Crop Losses in Rostov Region Due to Adverse Weather Conditions

  1. Overview: The Rostov Region anticipates crop losses of up to 30% due to challenging weather conditions this year.

  2. Weather Impact: An early spring followed by sudden heat in April and frost in May led to significant crop damage, affecting 210,000 hectares.

  3. Drought Conditions: No rainfall for over two months has increased the likelihood of drought, prompting heightened readiness and emergency declarations in some areas.

  4. Crop Estimates: Governor Vasily Golubev estimates a 30% crop loss based on interactions with local farmers.

  5. Historical Context: This potential loss follows a decade of steadily increasing crop yields in the region.

Conclusion: Despite the potential for rainfall that might save sprouting crops, the region faces significant agricultural challenges this year.

For more details, visit the original article:


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