Grain Market Overview for June 14, 2024

  1. Global Prices: Wheat prices fell globally during the week, while corn prices increased slightly in Chicago.

  2. Russian Market: Domestic Russian wheat prices were stable, with some regions showing an increase due to the harvesting campaign starting early due to favorable weather.

  3. Harvesting Campaign: Russia's 2024 harvesting campaign began in southern regions, with an expanded total sowing area.

  4. USDA Report: The USDA lowered its forecast for Russia's wheat production and export for the upcoming agricultural season.

  5. Trade Issues: US and UK sanctions against the Moscow Exchange could complicate agricultural trade.

  6. Emergency Situations: A state of emergency was declared in Rostov due to prolonged drought, potentially leading to significant crop losses.

Conclusion: The grain market is experiencing variable trends with notable regional differences in production forecasts and market dynamics due to geopolitical and environmental factors.

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