Sown Areas in the Russian Federation in 2024: Spring Accounting in Farms of All Categories — Rosstat

Key Points:

  1. Overall Reduction in Sown Areas:

    • In 2024, the total sown area of agricultural crops in Russia decreased by 968.4 thousand hectares, or 1.2%, compared to the previous year.

  2. Decrease in Grain and Leguminous Crops:

    • The area under grain and leguminous crops declined by 1,907.5 thousand hectares, representing a 4% reduction.

  3. Specific Crop Reductions:

    • Wheat (Winter and Spring): The sown area decreased by 1,263.5 thousand hectares (4.2%), totaling 28,505.9 thousand hectares.

    • Barley (Winter and Spring): A reduction of 1,027.1 thousand hectares (12.9%), with a total sown area of 6,959.5 thousand hectares.

    • Corn for Grain: A slight decrease of 11.3 thousand hectares (0.4%).

    • Rye (Winter and Spring): The sown area decreased by 165.2 thousand hectares (19.8%), totaling 668.3 thousand hectares.

    • Buckwheat: A reduction of 194.1 thousand hectares (15.1%).

  4. Increase in Rice Sown Area:

    • The area under rice cultivation increased by 17.2 thousand hectares, marking a 9.1% growth.


In 2024, Russia experienced a general decline in the sown areas of key agricultural crops, notably in grain and leguminous categories. However, rice cultivation saw a notable increase, contrasting the overall downward trend.



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