USDA Reduces Forecast for Russia's Wheat Production and Export

  1. Reduction in Wheat Forecast: The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has lowered its forecast for Russia's wheat production for the agricultural year July 2024 to June 2025 by 5 million tons, now expecting a total of 83 million tons.

  2. Wheat Export Decrease: The forecast for wheat export from Russia is reduced by 4 million tons, now estimated at 48 million tons.

  3. Corn and Feed Grain Production: Projections for corn harvest are down to 15.4 million tons, with a slight reduction in feed grain production to 40.43 million tons.

  4. EU and Ukraine Wheat Export and Production: The EU's wheat export forecast is increased by 1 million tons, while Ukraine’s forecast is reduced both in production and export.

  5. Global Impact: The global wheat collection is estimated at 790.75 million tons, reflecting a decrease, along with adjustments in other grains like corn.

Conclusion: The report highlights significant reductions in forecasted wheat production and exports for Russia, adjustments in global grain forecasts, and contrasts with other regions like the EU and Ukraine.

For more details, you can read the full article here.


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